A few words about us
Our mission and motto is to "STRIVE FOR THE BEST" and every one in here Stops at nothing except the best. Here we strive to help the young develop into upright, Creative and loyal citizens, imbued with love and concern for others. Every student passing out of this school must have grown his/her sense of the Divine, respect for human life, compassion for the poor, concern for justice and commitment to help build a better human society.
The school has adequate facilities for sports and games. these include Foot Ball, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Badminton, Cricket, Athletics etc. Other facilities include a well stocked Library, a Social Science Lab, Maths Lab, Junior Science Lab, Language Lab, Two Computer Labs and fully equipped Labs for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology for the Senior Secondary classes. A fully equipped Gym and Health Club has been set up for senior students to improve their physical fitness.